Statement of Faith

Though our full statement of faith is set forth in the 1742 Philadelphia Baptist Confession of Faith, for the
purpose of this document, we affirm the following statement of faith:

● We affirm the Bible in the original manuscripts to be God’s divinely inspired, inerrant and
infallible Word of God in its truth and even in the wording which states and bears the truth to us.

● We affirm one eternal God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
● We affirm the Almighty Father, Maker of heaven and earth, Who created all things for His glory
and pleasure according to His purpose and will.
● We affirm the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is one in substance with the Father, by Whom all
things were made, Who came down from heaven to be conceived by the Holy Spirit and be born
of a virgin; Who lived a perfect life, and then was crucified and died for our sins; Who rose bodily
on the third day according to the Scriptures; Who then ascended into heaven; and Who is now
sitting on the right hand of God having received all authority as King of kings and Lord of lords;
and Who shall come again in glory to judge; the living and the dead; and Who then shall set up
His kingdom which shall never end.
● We affirm the Holy Spirit, Who proceeded from the Father and the Son; Who possesses all the
attributes of deity, as does the Father and Son; Who is the author and interpreter of the Holy
Scriptures; and Who applies the work of the Son to God’s elect.
● We affirm salvation by faith alone through the work and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. vii. We
affirm that man is a fallen creature and so corrupt and depraved in nature that he cannot save
himself nor even turn to the God Who saves, except by the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
● We affirm the church as the body of Christ, existing in two aspects — the universal church, made
up of the saved of all ages, and the local church, a body of believers on earth at the present time.
We affirm that the local church should as best as possible reflect the membership of the
universal church.